Please follow these steps to activate your license key:
- Visit the Appearance menu in your admin dashboard
- Click the
Cele Dashboard link in the Appearance menu
If the Cele Dashboard link isn't there, please activate the Cele theme first.
- Enter your license key into the License Key input
- Click the Save Changes button to save your license key
- Click the Activate License button
Once you click the Activate License button, you should see a green notice confirming the activation:

Your license key has now been activated, and you will receive new Cele Pro updates.
Common Questions
I don't see the green notice after clicking the Activate License button
If the notice doesn't show, please contact us through the Priority Support page, and we will provide a solution right away.
How long does my license last?
All licenses last six months from the date of purchase, and can be renewed at 50% off of the initial purchase price. You will receive an email with a renewal link when your license is near expiration.
You can continue using Cele Pro if you do not renew, but you will not receive new updates.
VIP licenses are valid for one year.